Justin Bautista-Jones, a junior Political Science major, will receive one of three Young Leader Awards at the Long Haul Awards hosted by the Tennessee Alliance for Progress on Friday, November 6, 2015. Justin is an incredible 20-year-old whose energy, love, and determination are infectious.

Over the past few years, he has dedicated countless hours to trying to make Nashville and Tennessee a better place. When Insure Tennessee failed during the special session, Justin stepped up to make things happen. He started a "#fast4fairness" campaign where he asked people to fast on Wednesdays during Lent to show solidarity for those in the gap. He traveled to rural, southeast Tennessee to join advocates for a five-day march across Senator Bell's district to bring attention to the importance of the plan. He marched from North Carolina to DC bringing attention to the dangers of rural hospital closures.

He created a "Moral Monday" rally in the Capitol building the week that the legislature voted down Insure Tennessee for the second time. He was one of the organizers for the "March Against Fear," in response to the violence in Charleston, South Carolina. Over 100 people attended the events. Justin is also a plaintiff in a lawsuit for voter’s rights in Tennessee -- in this state, students can't use their student IDs to vote. Beyond all of his successes, Justin is an inspiration to so many people. Across Tennessee, his ability to energize and mobilize -- but also to listen and love -- has kept people moving forward in the fight for Insure Tennessee and other vital issues.



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