Any graduate of Fisk University or a former student whose class has graduated is eligible for membership in the Association. There are two types of membership - Annual and Life.
Annual Membership ($50/year)
Annual Membership in the Association is $50/year. The membership is current from January 1 to December 31. Your Annual Membership Card acknowledges your ownership of all rights and privileges that membership in the GAA offers.
Valuable Connections
As a member of the GAAFU, Inc. you will have an instant connection to the University and fellow alumni. One of the best ways to meet other active alumni is to get involved in your own region and local club. You may serve on a committee, help plan your regional conference and/or serve on the GAAFU board.
Annual Membership PayPal ($50 a year - January 1st thru December 31st)
Life Membership PayPal
You may chose partial payments of $150 or $250 or $375 OR full payment of $750 from the dropdown below.
Life Membership ($750)Life Membership in the Association is Seven Hundred and Fifty (750.00) Dollars. Persons electing to secure life membership status are required to pay local association or chapter dues as prescribed by the affiliated constituent association. Life Memberships are payable in 2-5 annual installments, $375 or $150 respectively. Your Life Membership supports the daily operations of the General Alumni Association of Fisk University, Inc.
Select Payment Options from Dropdown |

Club Maintenance Dues
(Due January 1st of each year)
OR Send Check or Money Order (Payable to: GAAFU, Inc.) Credit Cards - VISA, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover accepted via phone Monday thru Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 1-800-443-ALUM (2586)
OR Send payment via U.S. Postal Service to:
GAAFU, Inc. c/o Office of Alumni Affairs, Fisk University, 1000 17th Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37208
Email inquiries:
Email or call 1 800 443-ALUM (1 800 443-2586).