Goal: To increase the alumni participation rate to 50%
FY2021 Participation Rate: 28.81%
FY2021 Total Giving: $2,373,531.99
Congratulations to the Class of 1986 on reaching 100% participation and being the first to ever do so!
Kudos to the classes of 1985, 1974, 1984 and 1971 for surpassing 50% participation.
Hats off to our newest goldens - Class of 1971 - for contributing the largest amount of any class!
We have five classes (1971, 1976, 1951, 1986, 1981) that contributed over $100,000 for FY2021.
Jobs well done!
The participation rate is important because corporations look at this number when considering sponsorships to our institution. Fiskites, show your commitment as “Sons and Daughters Ever on the Altar” by helping us reach this goal.
Top 10 Classes (participation) FY2021 :
1986 - 100%
1985 - 72.73%
1974 - 54.04%
1984 - 53.91%
1971 - 50.31%
1966 - 49.53%
1990 - 47.89%
1973 - 47.51%
1979 - 47.06%
1982 - 46.97%
Top 10 Classes Giving FY2021 :
1971 - $143,930.22
1976 - $142,686.76
1951 - $113,537.09
1986 - $107,804.61
1961 - $106,152.84
1995 - $94,545.65
1973 - $92,801.63
1968 - $91,002.26
1977 - $83,361.57
1979 - $83,358.19
For more information contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at 800-443-ALUM (2586) or alumni@fisk.edu.